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Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB)

Body-focused repetitive behaviors


BFRBs is a mouthful of a term, but it basically refers to behaviors like picking skin, pulling hair, biting nails, and other repetitive actions that go beyond "normal" grooming habits.

For example, hair-pulling can cause bald spots on your scalp, or leave you with no eyelashes or eyebrows. Skin picking can lead to pain, sores, or even scars. Nail-biting can leave you with damaged or unsightly nails.


If you're dealing with BFRBs, you might be avoiding certain activities or situations, or trying to cover up your hair, skin, or nails. You could be feeling shame, frustration, guilt, or embarrassment—maybe all at once.




The treatment is simple but challenging at the same time. The approach we’d use is the Comprehensive Behavioral Model. This involves looking at three main areas: the Behaviors, the Antecedents (the things that happen before the behavior), and the Consequences (what happens after the behavior).


In our first session, we’ll start digging into your past, present, and future. You’ll be asked to track your picking, pulling, or biting episodes, which will help us understand the pattern. In the next session, we’ll brainstorm tools and strategies to slow down or even stop the behavior. Over time, we’ll space out our sessions as the BFRB becomes more manageable or under control. Keep in mind that BFRBs are usually a lifelong, chronic condition—you’ll learn to manage it, but it may never fully go away.


Imagine what your life could be like with less pulling, picking, or biting—being more open, active, and free from the cycle.




The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors


Let go and Let's go


If you're ready to start treatment for your BFRB:

Please check my availability here.

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