Quyen B. Nguyen, Ph.D. (she/her)
Licensed Psychologist
PNW Happy Healthy, PLLC
Hey, Dr. Q
Hi, I’m Quyen (also known as Dr. Nguyen, Dr. Q, or even Dr. Quyen), and I’m a Licensed Psychologist. You might also call me a Pain / Life Guide / Collaborator. I help people who are dealing with barriers or are holding themselves back AND want to move forward and change some thing(s) in their lives. From my own path as well as from my work with people like you, I know there is hope still yet. I support, nudge, and guide people towards feeling happy, healthy, or whatever their goal is. Even though people come into my office because of pain, they can leave my office with tools and strategies to help manage the pain.
In our sessions, we can get creative and spontaneous; we can be curious, reflective, courageous, honest; we can build from your strengths; we can collaborate on ideas and goals.
I enjoy working with adults of all ages. Always be learning! I learn and grow too from our work together.
Want to talk or work with me? Let's Connect!
Boring Stuff
Here’s the really boring stuff about me, I mean, My Professional Background:
Previous Position as the Pain Psychologist at Kaiser Permanente Hawaii
2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship (Civilian) in Clinical Health Psychology at Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
Master of Science (M.S.) in Clinical Psychopharmacology from University of Hawaii, Hilo
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from San Diego State University / University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program
Pre-Doctoral Internship in Health Psychology at the University of Florida, Gainesville
Master of Public Health (MPH) in Health Promotion from San Diego State University
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology from Clemson University, South Carolina
Licensed in Washington state PY60967801
Licensed in Hawaii PSY-1305
PSYPACT mobility number 11830
Member of the American Psychological Association, Washington State Psychological Association, National Register of Health Service Psychologists, EMDR International Association, International OCD Foundation, International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
My Story - Maybe Still Boring
How did I get into private practice? By accident! My story from the beginning: As a kid/teen, I wanted to go into a career to help people (the truth sounds cheesy), and I decided to take the long and winding path to become a Psychologist. In graduate school, my focus was on behavioral medicine, inspired by my graduate school research mentor who studied the intersection of health and culture. While finishing up postdoc at Tripler in Hawaii, I got my first "real" job as a Pain Psychologist with Kaiser down the hill/road (I could see Tripler from my office at Kaiser). And here I am working in Private Practice and living in Washington state (interesting tidbit: coinciding with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic! yikes!).
Some of my identities besides Psychologist or Therapist:
Cisgender woman (pronouns: she/her). Vietnamese or Asian American. Child of immigrants. Born and raised in small town, Carolina.
Fun Stuff
What I like to do besides work: climb/boulder, jog/run, do yoga, hike, learn to ski and snowshoe, adventure/travel, visit/socialize with friends and family, dine in or out, read, stream TV shows, listen to music and podcasts, collect and wear aloha wear, browse and collect leather bags, shoes, and bag bling/flair